

Analysis of the reasons for the high working noise of the converter

Analysis of the reasons for the high working noise of the converter

1、 The inherent design issues of the converters themselves can cause significant noise

To some extent, a converter is an electronic device that converts input power signals into the required output power signals. Its internal structure includes components such as switching tubes, inductors, capacitors, etc. The noise of the converter mostly comes from the magnetic and electric field interference generated by the oscillation of the switching tube and output inductance and capacitance of the switching power supply, as well as the problem of impure output waveform. Therefore, in the design of the converter, design principles such as electromagnetic compatibility and optimized wiring layout should be followed as much as possible to reduce the occurrence of noise.

2、 The unstable power supply and voltage of the converter result in high noise levels

Unstable power supply voltage is another common cause of converter noise. The working voltage of a converter is usually converted at a certain frequency (tens of kHz to MHz). If the power supply voltage fluctuates greatly, it will cause amplitude fluctuations, jitter, and other phenomena in the output waveform of the converter, ultimately leading to increased noise. Therefore, when using a converter, a power supply that meets the standards should be selected and reasonable power filtering should be carried out. Meanwhile, try to avoid situations such as converter overload and overheating.

3、 Distorted load current waveform causing high noise

The output terminal of the converter is connected to a load current, and if the waveform of the load current is distorted, it will also cause an increase in noise. The distortion of load current waveform may be caused by resonance effects caused by inductive and capacitive loads. Therefore, when designing circuits, appropriate filtering capacitors and inductors should be selected, and circuit matching should be carried out reasonably to avoid the generation of load current waveform distortion.

In summary, high converter noise may be caused by various reasons, such as design issues with the converter itself, unstable power supply voltage, and distorted load current waveforms. When selecting converters and designing circuits, attention should be paid to these issues, and corresponding measures should be taken to solve them and reduce the generation of noise.



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